Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Driving Home

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I enjoyed spending time away from work and with my family. It seems like when you child is in daycare, you don't really get to spend much time with them during the week. We spent the holiday in Kermit Texas again this year. The tricky part of the drive nowadays is timing the stops so that Allie has enough time to get out of the car seat. If we skip a town and move to the next one, we have to make sure that we can make it before she wakes up. On the way home I didn't feel as rushed as I usually do to make good time (guy thing). I was having fun listening to the audiobook we got and just being close to the family. By the way we listened to Twilight. I thought Veronica would like it, and I wanted to see how it compared to the movie. Honestly it wasn't too bad of a read. I could have done with less of the Edward is so hot, and I'm so in love with Edward...anyways. During the drive we stopped in Sonora or Ozona, I always get them confused. Right across from the Town and Country store their was a park. We thought it would be nice to stop there and let Allie play for a while. I am glad we did because although we were only outside for about 20 minutes, it turned out to create some of the best moments of the week. Allie, Mom and Dad played on the teder toder together. Another first for my little one. She enjoyed it. She also got a chance to go down the biggest slide I think she has ever seen. I have it on video, I'll have to upload it so you can see. She goes down backwards and looks like she is loving it. I guess in the end it pays off to slow down and smell the roses. Like Robert Frost says, we took the road less traveled, and that made all the difference.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sunday Car Wash

She loves being outside. I can't say it enough. Here is the proof. Allie wanted to help me wash the cars on Sunday. Naturally she found a way to get soaked and sudsy. I remember what it was like to be a kid and slosh around in the puddles. Not a care in the world, and not a worry about what Mom would say about how filthy dirty you are getting...

Here is a link to all the photos...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Catch Up

Its been way to long since I have posted something on my blog. So much has been happening. Allie is walking now, by default instead of crawling. I was waiting to say anything because last time I think I jinxed her. Her new favorite thing to do is go outside and wander the front yard.She likes going outside to the park as well. Veronica and myself are so excited for her. She is growing up so fast. One of the funny things that I have noticed recently is that she now can engage more with Sadie (our dog). Sadie used to grab a toy and run around with it and Allie would watch her and laugh at her as she ran by. Now Allie started to follow Sadie and try to take the toy away from Sadie. The first time it happened, Sadie was definitely caught off guard. Soon they will be inseparable.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

First Steps

Allie took her first 2 steps on Friday, July 24th. She didn't even realize it, but she was going for the camera string that Veronica was holding and she let go of the couch and took 2 wobbly steps toward mommy! She has been standing up on her own, but once she realizes it, she gets scared and sits down. I think she'll be walking before her 1st birthday.

She also found the toilet paper roll in the bathroom. Here she is caught in the act!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July Everyone!

We had a great long weekend just relaxing with Allie at the house. It has been so hot here its not even funny. I took 3 showers yesterday!! Anyways we managed to clean the garage and do some tidying up before our vacation. I am excited to be going on our trip to Playa del Carmen, Mexico. I hope to take some great pictures and enjoy ourselves. We will definitely miss our little one when we are gone, but we are confident in our parents to watch her while we are gone. Here is little Allie in the front yard. We caught her with the biggest smile on her face.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Allie has been pierced

As much as it pained me to go through, Allie now has her ears pierced, along with my heart. It felt so strange to willingly inflict the pain to her. I was against it, but her mom really wanted them as you can tell from the photo. I guess all in all it will be good for her. I just felt so bad inside, knowing that she was going through this pain and it wasn't for something absolutely necessary like her shots are for school and such. I will say that she surprised me with how tough she was. She didn't cry at all for the first ear, the second she cried (no tears) for about 10 seconds. Then she was fine. Actually she was more than fine, she was laughing and smiling as she normally does. Oh well, I think one day I'll look back and be glad we did it early.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Da Da Da Da...

Allie is starting to put some syllables together. Although she didn't say da da, it was close enough. I was so excited, I decided to make a movie about it.