Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

I hope everyone had a great day. I had the best Valentines ever this year. There are couple of reasons...

My daughter Allie... She makes everything.. every day so much more special and enjoyable. We are truly blessed with her. She is always smiling and enjoying life. I try to embody that same spirit she has.

Secondly... My husband. Adam makes me feel special. This year we agreed not to spend money buying each other gifts.. instead we would either "shop together" or not at all. I really like the idea because it takes the stress off of me of having to think of a gift he would like. I can now get him exactly what he wants (within budget it is... Dave Ramsey baby !! )

So.. this V-day was going to be a no-gift holiday. But.. to my surprise.. Adam "gave" me some "quality time" as a gift. To understand this, you would have to know about Gary Chapman's 5 Love Languages I think that book speaks mountains about a marriage and I would highly recommend it to any married couple. And for our friends that have children, they also have one geared towards children.

So.. I love you Adam. Thank you for being my husband, my partner, my friend, my support, and my dream come true... XOXOXO

1 comment:

  1. I sure have one good looking niece! I just want to munch on those cheekers! We love you guys and miss you lots.
