Friday, January 9, 2009

New Years Resolutions

First of all I didn't even know we had a "family" blog. (I wasn't even setup to be an author) But now that I know about it, (and can contribute) I will add my two cents every so often. 

With the new year storming in, we all tend to think up ideas or things to start doing that we have always wanted to do, but never really wanted to do that much. Honestly if we wanted to do all these things the whole time, why didn't we just start doing them in June or October? Anyways, thats what's so great about the new year, we get to put our 2 quarters in the machine and start over. With that in mind, like everyone else I decided to do way too many things, and add them to my already busy schedule! Sounds like a recipe for disaster. Don't worry, this year I thought of everything. I added a resolution that will add 2 extra hours to my day. More on that later. Everyone from the The Today Show to CNN were talking about how to make resolutions (never had a problem with that) or tips like writing down your resolutions so you can refer back to them later. As a matter of fact, I am killing two birds with one stone by putting them in this blog right now.

Here is my list, so far:
  • Organize the House (regularly)
  • Check the mail (regularly)
  • Read the mail (regularly)
  • Get to work on time (regularly)
  • Learn to play the drums on Rockband 2 on expert (This one might take some time, may carry in to 2010)
  • Read my Daily Walk Bible (you guessed it, daily. With the intention of reading the whole thing this year)
  • Lose weight, get more fit (why not?)
And the most genius resolution yet, the one that will help me fit all the above into my busy working dad schedule is: (this one deserves its own list)
  • Wake up between 5:30 and 6:00 AM every day 
Now I know what your thinking. I know it sounds crazy to get up that early and start doing anything! But I have tried it for this past week, and its GREAT! I get up and start doing a P90X video and I am ready for the day! Once I even had time to read Genesis 10-12. I think I'm on to something big this year. I know great things are coming my way. I'll keep you posted on my progress through the year.  So far we have done a great job organizing the house, and putting the mail in this new mail holder thing we bought. We also bought some overhead shelving for the garage which I plan to hang this Saturday around 6:45 or 7:00 am. Either before or after I reorganize the garage, wash my car, and trim the hedges. All before lunch or so. I have the extra time thanks to my early bird schedule.

Anyways thanks for reading our blog, I would enjoy some comments on my resolutions or anything else I wrote. 

This blogging thing is pretty fun. I may have to setup the mobile blogger thingy on my blackberry...



  1. Good luck with your resolutions; especially that getting up early thing. I hope you make it!

  2. welcome to the blogging world! traci
